By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
When I moved here a year ago I brought two Echinacea plants that I'd dug up from my previous garden. They flowered last year. So where are they now? Not even a leaf to be seen. I know they can be temperamental but I really want to grow at least one plant successfully.
Can anyone give me some foolproof guidelines please?
26 May, 2015
Echinacea or Coneflower have that long taproot and don't transplant well as mature plants. They come from the American Prairies so you'll have to try to duplicate those conditions - hot, dry open & sunny. I tried to move some plants from my back yard to the front - they didn't make it.
Your best option is to grow new plants from seed indoors, then transplant outdoors as seedlings or purchase young plants from a reputable garden center. Always plant more then you think you need because they won't all make it.
Once established, Echinacea becomes a beautiful and robust plant with long lasting flowers that will freely self seed and spread. It's a tough rugged plant with very few problems. It makes a delicious tea and draws scores of butterflies & bees, birds love the seeds.
Have you seen some of the new varieties? Check out 'Tiki Torch' & 'Tomato Soup'
26 May, 2015
Hi Bathgate, I've never had any trouble moving Echinacea, in fact I moved some at the end of april, and if anything they're bigger plants than the ones that weren't moved, Derek.
26 May, 2015
I have, some made it, others didn't. I guess you were lucky.
26 May, 2015
Thanks for all the answers. I, too, have moved Echinacea in the past successfully. The last time they were moved against the house wall where they clearly loved it. Lots of snails in that area but they remained untouched.
Here in Buckingham might be a different story though. I shall just have to wait and see.
27 May, 2015
Likely its slugs and snails - echinacea, along with hostas and delphiniums, is one of those plants that they crop immediately it pokes a bit of growth above the soil, and they keep on doing it, so the plant gives up and doesn't grow. Try applying slug pellets around where they should be and see if they try again. If they don't and you buy more, be sure to put slug pellets down around March/April time.
26 May, 2015