By Pammie
United Kingdom
A friend of mine has grown strawberries in a container for the 1st time this year what does she need to do after fruiting and over the Winter .Will they die off or can she save for next year
21 Jul, 2010
Thanks as I have never grown them myself ,couldnt advise her.She also needs to replace " died off " aubricia in her window boxes.Any suggestions.?
21 Jul, 2010
I'm slightly confused as to why she'd have aubretia in a window box anyway - this is more usually found as an edging plant in the garden, and needs cutting back after flowering is over in the spring, with no more flowers till the following year, not a great subject for a window box.
21 Jul, 2010
She would probably be better off with Sweet Alyssum, or Dwarf Globe Candytuft, for a colorful trailer.
21 Jul, 2010
Had a " senior moment " NOT Aubrecia I meant LOBELIA oops
21 Jul, 2010
Oh well, that's different - to be honest, it depends what she can find at the garden centre, it being far too late for summer bedding now, but occasionally they have potted up things that might do the job.
22 Jul, 2010
You're supposed to bin them at the end of the season and buy new each year, because they're prone to virus infections. Many people don't worry about that though and just keep the same plants year on year as long as they're fruiting.
21 Jul, 2010