By Dragonfly45
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Can anyone out there give advice on the following problem:
I have a lonicera honeysuckle climbing over a pergola, had it for years and prune accordingly. However it is now covered in what I think is blackfly (the buds and first few leaves). Did not really want to spray on the relevant chemical as the birds often eat there but not enough to get rid of the blackfly. I did spray with watered-down fairly liquid last week but really feel as I should be trimming off the affected buds and leaves and cut off at the next green unaffected shoot. If I do this, will it still flower sometime this year?
3 Jun, 2015
It might flower later, it might not, but you'll still have the same problem - aphids love tender new growth, so they'll infest that whenever it appears.
4 Jun, 2015
I used to have one with same problem -- I just used high power hose and blew the bloody pests away - lol -- then I cut it out all to-gether in the end
4 Jun, 2015
High power water spray is probably the best idea! :))
5 Jun, 2015
Previous question
just use a hose once in a while as there very delicate creatures . they are quite amazing as there born pregnant and give birth every hour and they have ant body gaurds . you can also send off for ladybird lava which love them .
4 Jun, 2015