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shropshire, United Kingdom

morning glory .i have got the canes for the leftover plants after planting at base of trellis <previous question >.will a wigwam be ok or be too pointy at the top ,and so be better in a circle standing upright ,



A wigwam would be fine and make a better shape then just pushing in a circle of canes, but they are quite vigorous plants - I'd make the wigwams about 4ft tall. Grow them in full sum too. Hope that helps!

6 Jun, 2015


What's a "wigwam?"

6 Jun, 2015


Hi Bathgate, in the U S A you would probably call it a 'wikiup', Derek.

6 Jun, 2015


thank you

6 Jun, 2015


Teepee! Yes I know teepee! lol! Morning glories would look great growing up a teepee. Nice idea! :)

7 Jun, 2015


Isn't it fascinating how things are different for members across the globe? Words which we in the UK take for granted as self-explanatory mean nothing to others, and plants (as Bathgate's other comments) which are known to one or the other country by local names are so confusing!

7 Jun, 2015


Oh I can tell you some funny stories visiting the UK and seeing my first cricket match at Lords. The more I tried to "blend in" the more I kinda "stuck out" :)

8 Jun, 2015

How do I say thanks?

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