By Arbuthnot
United Kingdom
Since we have a tiny garden my husband bought a wooden mini greenhouse which he says he'll keep in the garage during the winter. He suggested I overwinter my geraniums in it. I'm not a great geranium fan but these were given to me a few years ago and used to live in a tiny porch, only coming out for the summer so I don't know a lot about them.
Question 1. Will they like living in a dark and gloomy place?
Question 2. Will I have to keep them watered?
11 Jun, 2015
My wooden mini greenhouse stays outside all winter up against the house wall. Geraniums might survive there if the winter isn't severe as long as they are kept pretty dry. You could put fleece over them if it is going to be frosty but don't leave it on all the time.
They are semi succulent so will survive without water for quite a time - it is winter damp that kills them rather than cold. In an enclosed place in the dark they would probably go mouldy.
11 Jun, 2015
Thanks for the information. I suspected it wouldn't be a good place to store them. Very grateful.
12 Jun, 2015
Your geraniums will not be happy in the garage unless there i good light, even inside the greenhouse it is likely to get too cold for them as well.
11 Jun, 2015