United Kingdom
azaleas. to deadhead or not, that is the question!
i have an azalea japonica 'roza' which has just finished flowering. do i deadhead every single flower as there are literally hundreds
or can i loosly cut the tips of each stem to save a lot of time or will that sacrifice flowers for next year?
thanks in advance.
12 Jun, 2015
It's a matter of aesthetics. Deadheading gives a tidy appearance and spurs new growth. Doesn't affect the bush either way.
12 Jun, 2015
what a relief!
have already picked off most of the wilted flowers, next year won't bother.
thanks a lot for your help and advice.
13 Jun, 2015
This particular variety is an evergreen one - so you don't have to deadhead at all, just leave the plant to get on with it.
12 Jun, 2015