West Sussex,
United Kingdom
When to feed spring bulbs?
I have daffodils and other spring bulbs in pots, which have now died right down. Should I have fed them earlier before they died down, or when is the right time,please?
13 Jun, 2015
Thanks Moongrower. I've left it too late then for this year.
13 Jun, 2015
Yup but don't worry most folk never feed their bulbs and they still grow and flower.
14 Jun, 2015
That's reassuring. I must say I haven't fed them before, but I've read or heard somewhere that it's a good idea. Maybe next year!
14 Jun, 2015
Good t odo for bulbs in pots, not necessary for bulbs in the open ground.
14 Jun, 2015
Previous question
You feed your spring bulbs after flowering has finished, remember to deadhead unless you want to collect the seed, and whilst the foliage is still green on half strength liquid tomato food once a week. Once the foliage has died back there is no point in feeding.
13 Jun, 2015