By Agmomma
We have just moved into a house which has a beautiful, large acer growing outside the rear lounge. We would like to move it so we can build a conservatory and wonder if we had a hole ready and a large enough rootball on the acer, we could move it now
13 Jun, 2015
If its a mature one, which it sounds as if it is, it will be very difficult to move successfully even in the autumn.
13 Jun, 2015
I know you want to get the conservatory built during the nice weather. You're far better off cutting it down & planting a new tree later. Trying to move a mature tree is difficult.
13 Jun, 2015
i wanted to say that but hadn't the heart....
13 Jun, 2015
Difficult but not impossible . . . and you have the right idea Agmomma about the root ball and having a big hole ready. How sad would you be if it died? If you're prepared to risk it (and the conservatory is your priority), then try it. Once in the new hole give it masses of ericaceous compost, masses of water, and after a week a feed of Sequestrine. Good luck!
14 Jun, 2015
IF you decide to move the tree, it must be staked for a couple years. It will be susceptible to blow over in high winds until it roots in properly.
14 Jun, 2015
Now is the worst time to move a tree. They are in active growth. Fall or Early Spring are the best times.
13 Jun, 2015