By Alix
United Kingdom
I have a bank in my garden about 3m high and about 15 m wide. I want to cover it with a plant which is quick growing and requires little maintenance. What do you suggest ?
14 Jun, 2015
You might consider Crown Vetch. It is a EXTREMELY fast and aggressive ground cover which is very successful without any attention. It is used often in hard to reach areas to prevent soil erosion.
14 Jun, 2015
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Our recommendations will depend to some extent on whether your bank faces north or south, and what type of soil you have. But Humulus (golden Hop) is a quick growing climber which dies back in the winter and seems to grow anywhere. Evergreen spreader is Vinca (periwinkle; dark blue or light blue); perennial Geraniums for colour: spread from year to year once established.
Obviously you have space for several different plants.
14 Jun, 2015