By Sugarbevs
United Kingdom
When my herbs aren't used and grow spindly do I just cut them down.. preferably storing what I have cut off. How would you store it ? I have lemon balm, coriander, basil, mint and parsley.
22 Jul, 2010
Okay thanks Moongrower x
22 Jul, 2010
You can also chop and freeze herbs, especially parsley. Fill an icecube tray with the herb you want, add just enough water to cover, and freeze. You can then just pop a whole cube (or more) into stews, stocks, soups ........
You can store the cubes in plastic bags after they have frozen.
22 Jul, 2010
Thanks Cestina x
22 Jul, 2010
Coriander leaves tend to lose their flavor when dried, so I would tend to freeze them instead. Coriander seeds, and all the others can be dried, though they often taste better frozen, too.
22 Jul, 2010
I agree I should mention freezing rather than dryIng.
22 Jul, 2010
Dill dries well - it's one of the few herbs that I find as good dried as fresh.....
22 Jul, 2010
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You can make your basil and parsley into pesto, they do not dry well. The others you can tie into bundles and hang up to dry inside a paper bag.
22 Jul, 2010