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Suffolk, United Kingdom

Can anyone help ID this plant, please.
It is evergreen & healthy, growing in the shade of enormous field hedge (that's another problem) & facing North. New growth is bright green, old growth dark green & has yellow bell type flowers. The leaves are like fronds.
Apologies that pic isn't better quality.



?Polemonium pauciflorum and that is a real guess.

15 Jun, 2015


I'd agree with polemonium (Jacob's Ladder)

15 Jun, 2015


Is that a woody stem I can see in the picture or isn't that related to this plant? Owdboggy, IS there a Polemonium that's evergreen in this country, I thought they're all listed as herbaceous perennial...?

15 Jun, 2015


It might be a Sophora - S. microphylla 'Sun King' to be precise - evergreen or semi evergreen, depending on the winter, needs a very sheltered position, but not sure because I can't see flower detail properly.

15 Jun, 2015


Ditto, Bamboo, I think you're right, I'd go for Saphora 'Sun King' also.

15 Jun, 2015


Sophora microphylla was the first thing i thought of.

15 Jun, 2015


I thought of that too, but there was no mention of spines on the branches which ours has.
And most of our Polemoniums keep their leaves over winter.

15 Jun, 2015


Goodness, lucky you Owdboggy, you must have some sort of micro climate going there - in London, they disappear totally during the winter. Unless you've got some fancy varieties, which, you being a plantsperson, I'm guessing you might have...

15 Jun, 2015


Yep, mine disappear then regrow to around 2 foot every year. Not seen a yellow one either....not to say they don't exist

15 Jun, 2015


The one Owdboggy mentioned, Polemonium pauciflorum, does have elongated yellow trumpet flowers, Badfish.

15 Jun, 2015


I have Polemonium caeruleum Album - keeps some leaves through out the year. Dies back to a neat little clump and gets going again mid-May.

15 Jun, 2015


Thanks so much to you all for your responses. Bamboo is spot on, RHS call it Sophora microphylla Sun King 'Hilsop'. I've also found a better pic of a large one which I'll post.

Owdboggy, mine has no spines. The only reference I could find mentioning spines was for Sophora davidii but this is described as Grey, downy and eventually spiny branches. Small bluish-white pea flowers.
So maybe spines will appear on mine when it is older.

16 Jun, 2015

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