By Corgiman
United Kingdom
I have a pool in my garden about 3 metres square with koi carp which i have had for many many years, A number of years ago a gentleman purchased a piece of land and built a house with a large garden, he planted trees that have grown enormous ang overhang my pool creating a problem with branches and debri dropping into my pool,I have spoken to him on two or three occasions but he seem to take no notice. any suggestions please, i am heading towards 80 and do not want to start digging out another pool,or perhaps he thinks he will soon pop his clogs ,ignore him,
16 Jun, 2015
Tell your neighbour that you will be instructing a tree surgeon to cut back to his boundary line. He will either agree or say that he will do it himself, he can't refuse to allow it. It shouldn't be too expensive for you, just make sure you get a qualified tree surgeon and not some cowboy!
16 Jun, 2015
You are legally allowed to cut back any overhanging branches on your side, as long as you inform him and offer them back to him.
16 Jun, 2015