By Bn17
United Kingdom
This appeared in the garden last Autumn....and grew throughout the winter...but what is it??
- 16 Jun, 2015
Caper Spurge, Euphorbia lathyris?
16 Jun, 2015
Yes I agree.
it is an annual and seeds prolifically.
the sap is nasty stuff if you get it on your skin so be careful when pulling it out.
17 Jun, 2015
I have these popping up in various places and quite like them so they usually stay if not in the way. I like all Euphorbias and knew this was one, but not the name, so thanks for the info!
17 Jun, 2015
Previous question
« This appeared last autumn and has continued growing....but what is it?
Could it be this Euphorbia lathyris?
16 Jun, 2015