By Iloveroses
United Kingdom
This year my oak tree, is covered in sticky stuff (and everything around it!) the bees like it.....
What is it and what can be done. If anything? It is a very large oak.
Many thanks
20 Jun, 2015
Best to ask your local authority Tree Office for advice.
If it is as large as that, it will probably be protected.
21 Jun, 2015
It's honeydew from scale insects on its leaves. The best and most effective thing that you can do in this situation is not to park your car or leave any lawn furniture under it:)
21 Jun, 2015
we have the same problem with the beech tree. the bees were having a feast on the honeydew, from the millions of greenfly. as its a large plant there isn't anything you can do really.
21 Jun, 2015
All we do is make sure not to park the car underneath it...
21 Jun, 2015
Oak trees carry the largest amount of insects of any other UK tree, feeding numerous birds, so I don't think there is anything you can do to such a large tree, and would you want to?
20 Jun, 2015