By Phoebe4
United Kingdom
Hi there, while out with the dogs on the local common this morning we spotted these flowers, can anyone identify them please? They are growing in very dry sandy ground.

27 Jun, 2015
Thats it! I have to say this! The knowledge the goy members have is astounding!
27 Jun, 2015
i raised them they do self seed a lot and all of the plant is prickly
27 Jun, 2015
My seeds planted last summer have grown into enormous plants this year and they are strikingly beautiful. Bees love them; that's why I tried them.
28 Jun, 2015
Hi, thanks for your answer, they are beautiful flowers, they only appeared this year, there have been so many lovely wild flowers on the commons near to where we live this year they really are in abundance, so many Foxgloves everywhere, more than usual and the wild honeysuckle!!I wish I could bottle the wonderful smell.
Thanks again.
29 Jun, 2015
Previous question
« Velvet soft leaves I would love to know what this plant is. It's leaves feel...
It's viper's buglos or Echium vulgare. Big lovers of dry, poor, sandy soil.....derelict factories, duel carriageway edges are favourite spots.
Stunning colour though, i grow a slightly ornamental variety called "Blue bedder"
27 Jun, 2015