By Griseldarose
United Kingdom
I have had lovely purple and yellow miniature pansies in my garden for over 20 years - every year they come back, self-seeded, last for months and are a real asset to the garden. This year, however, they are slowly being covered by some kind of grey mould, which kills them. What can I do?
28 Jun, 2015
Many thanks for the advice. Some of the pansies are not affected (yet), so I shall try to keep them apart from those that are. (Most of them are in pots, so at least I can easily move them away from the affected ones). Let's hope I don't lose them all!
28 Jun, 2015
Fingers crossed then- but if some of the ones in pots get it, don't re use the potting compost for pansies.
29 Jun, 2015
Unfortunately, it sounds as if you're describing Pansy Downy Mildew, a fungal infection for which there is no treatment. You can remove affected leaves as soon as you see them, but the coolness of this summer isn't helping - this infection is more likely during cool, damp periods. Sadly, if you lose them all to the infection, you must not grow pansies again on that patch of soil for at least a year, preferably two, because it lingers in the ground.
28 Jun, 2015