By Shazziepx
Surrey, United Kingdom
My neighbourhas cats. I have got plants in containers and every day the cats keeping pooing in them. I would appreciate any ideas in deterring them as in the hot sun the smell is unbearable.
Many thanks
- 30 Jun, 2015
Put something (like slanted sticks) in the pots to stop the cats getting in them or plant up really thickly so again they can't get at them.
30 Jun, 2015
Yes, pointy sticks are good to prevent this, or something like holly leaves as a mulch.
30 Jun, 2015
This will not be popular with cat lovers but one small blast with a high powered water pistol and they will not enter your garden again. It does no harm to the cats and this is speaking as a cat lover myself......or should I say I was when I had two. However it is the nature of cats not to poo on their own territory and your containers are a ready made toilet for them. One other suggestion for another year......before you plant put some extra wide wire mesh over the container and plant through it...the cats like to scratch a hole in the soil before going and they will not be able to do this with wire in the way. Just some thoughts.
30 Jun, 2015
I just read an article about a household that has Herring Gulls nesting on the roof. The local cat population has moved several gardens away.
30 Jun, 2015
Oh dear thats not nice, I too am a cat lover/owner and would definitely advise the water treatment or if you can get close enough a short sharp slap (not a beating that would be cruel) might work, I'm lucky as my neighbours all have grass so my cats do stay in their own garden for their ablutions, I train them to keep to their own area as I do my dogs, happy cats/neighbours and yours truly....
30 Jun, 2015
the water treatment doesn't work on the 5 cats in our area. a local RSPCA officer suggested I tried a child's 'spud gun'. as the spud pellet will not damage the cat. they do run away if we open the door now but if we are not there then .......
why don't people litter train them properly, one of my friends reckons hers must only use a litter tray by the amount her moggy produces.
1 Jul, 2015
A little bit of lead in the right ear works
1 Jul, 2015
Just to make sure Triffid I think you'd do better trying it on yourself first, such a waste of lead otherwise....
1 Jul, 2015
If this were Facebook I would 'like' that, Lincslass.
1 Jul, 2015
Thanks Mr B.....
1 Jul, 2015
lol I have
1 Jul, 2015
Now that explains everything, lol..
1 Jul, 2015
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chilli powder sometimes work.
30 Jun, 2015