By Sarahm
United Kingdom
Poorly/Dying skimmia Kew green
Looking for advice fellow goyers....I have a skimmia Kew green in my garden which is normally lush and flowers well. This year it has lost all of its leaves , no flowers and doesn't look like it will survive. Any advice goyers ? Feed it with homemade compost and acid feed? Prune it back? Has it been too wet,too dry,reached the end of its plant life? It is about 9 years old and in a shady spot on clay soil which up to this year it grew really well on and flourished. Thanks
1 Jul, 2015
Thanks bathgate, there are a few green leaves left on a couple of stems,hence the reason I am wondering if I can do anything to save it...such a shame as it is a beautiful plant
2 Jul, 2015
Examine the stems and any leaves left for signs of infestation or disease. Otherwise, if you live in the southern half of the country, it might be drought, particularly as you have another question regarding powdery mildew on a different plant. After nine years, though, I wouldn't have expected drought to be the issue unless its only recently lost its leaves, perhaps in the last couple of months.
2 Jul, 2015
Thanks bamboo, yes lost its leaves in the last couple of months, wish I could save the plant somehow
2 Jul, 2015
Could it have gone severely short of water then (assuming you're in the south), that is, you haven't watered it at all this year at any time? If so, water it heavily now, cut it back by half, scatter Growmore granules around the base and rake or turn them into the soil.
3 Jul, 2015
Thanks Bamboo, I live in Edinburgh and we normally have plenty of rain, this plant is in a part of the garden I don't normally need to water even though I do have a soaker hose down for peak summer. I have cut it back, fed it and watered it, so fingers crossed it recovers, thanks for the advice.
6 Jul, 2015
Whatever happened to your skimmia, took place a long time ago. No Leaves=dead bush.
1 Jul, 2015