By Shazziepx
United Kingdom
Help please!
My favourite tetrapanax was eaten overnight by slugs, caterpillars, snails. I am not sure who were the culprits. I transplanted it immediately into a large slug proof pot and within 2 days the remaining leaves turned a rusty colour. What could be wrong. What is the correct potting mix I should use.
All responses will be appreciated.
2 Jul, 2015
I think we may all be interested in your 'large slug proof pot'. I think you should go on Dragons Den and market it. I would buy one for sure.
3 Jul, 2015
I'd order 50 to start off with. I have found that one of my tall glazed pots seems to be a deterrent as is one of my touch clay pots - or maybe it's a combination of the pot and the variety of hosta.
3 Jul, 2015
Ha ha !!!
5 Jul, 2015
My hostas are coming out of the ground soon, sick of the snails ruining them, where can I get your slug proof pots Shazziepx???
5 Jul, 2015
Actually I 'm not sure that you have done right by moving it into a pot. Looking at some of the films of them on YouTube they seem to get very big very quickly and a pot just wouldn't have enough in it to support that amount of growth.
Take a look at and - you know you're dealing with a monster when it's referred to as T.Rex.
6 Jul, 2015
I suspect something was chomping on the roots too.
3 Jul, 2015