By Berryboo
United Kingdom
I've had this ?fir plant in my garden since I moved it, I rearranged the garden a bit and placed it close to a fence. After the winter I noticed that the side which had been close to the fence has gone bare, but the other side is still healthy. Any ideas about why this happened and how I can get it back to health on the bare side?
Does anyone know the name of this plant? Do these plants need much watering?
Thank you in advance for your answers,

23 Jul, 2010
probably the absence of light to the back part, its always nice to turn the pot occasionally...
23 Jul, 2010
Looks like the spruce "Picea glauca Albertiana Conica".
I agree with the previous two posts re. the reason.
I'd just keep its back to the fence now and look at the good side.
23 Jul, 2010
me to i wonder if a mirror behind would solve this problem .
24 Jul, 2010
thank you for all your replies, its much appreciated.
24 Jul, 2010
your welcome .
24 Jul, 2010
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wind burn berryboo with the plant being close to the fence the wind has been funneling between the plan and fence plus the fact it wont get the sun
23 Jul, 2010