By Johnjoe
Can someone please tell me thy my some strawberry's are deformed. The first crop only about 10% were deformed. I can see with the next crop even that they are small I will have about 60% deformed. This is there second year growing. I have used chicken manure pellets for feed, would I have used to much of the chicken pellets.
Last year was the first time I grew them they were grand, but I only got about 20 Strawberry's, this year the crop is huge. It is a pity I will have so many deformed, even that they tasted ok the look of them can put you off.
I have had so many I tried freezing them, but when they thaw out some of them were soft and mushy. Would some member have a recipe how to use them up as they don't taste nice defrosted. I am sorry for looking for so much information
Johnjoe (John)

8 Jul, 2015
Thank you Berryjames, My Strawberry plants are tall with a lot of greenery which could have been covering the blossom. Would you think that was the problem.
I did think Strawberry's were self pollinating.
8 Jul, 2015
You could make your thawed strawberries into a smooth sauce and use it for pouring over icecream, puddings etc or make sorbets. As you have found,freezing them is a dead loss! You could try jam making too. You'd have to put the mush into a plastic carton to weigh it so you you know how much sugar to add, and put some lemon juice with it (or use bottled pectin)
Chicken manure will encourage leaves rather than fruit. Next year give them a feed of sulphate of potash in the spring instead and see if there's an improvement. If there is still some fruiting season left for the variety you have and you really want to feed them use tomato fertiliser.
8 Jul, 2015
To be honest I don't see anything wrong with the strawberries, true they are not perfectly shaped but so what if they taste good! Not every piece of fruit or vegetable is the perfect shape... and because consumers won't buy growers literally have to throw food away! I'd happily take all your 'deformed' strawberries and make them into something like Eton Mess where you would never notice.
8 Jul, 2015
I would guess it is caused by a virus. Strawberries are particularly susceptible to them. Before the onset of polytunnels and the plants being grown in bags higher up on staging; strawberries could only be grown for a few years on the same ground, destroyed and new plants grown on clean soil. Unless your plants were from certified stock then perhaps this is where the problem of deformity occurs. Perhaps you could try and purchase a few new stock plants and grow them elsewhere on a trial basis. Infected plants will transmit virus through their runners.
8 Jul, 2015
Thank you Steragram, that is great information. I will give it a go. Just by coincidence as I replied to barryjams my daughter arrived with her friend from the Basque country in Spain for a short break in Ireland. Her family and herself grow a lot of strawberry's in Spain. When I told her that I froze my strawberry's she said that is what they do and one of their favourites deserts is to blend the strawberry's when frozen add some sugar and lemon. Guess what I am having for desert tonight. Lol
8 Jul, 2015
Thank you Moon Grow.
I do agree with you, I have no problem with eating strawberry's either square round triangle bumpy lumpy. I just love them. I just thought I might be doing some thing wrong when growing them. I was disappointed when I froze them and they turned mushy and soggy. Now with all the good advice I have got from ye, it will keep me busy for a while or should I say my good wife Anne. Lol
8 Jul, 2015
Virus in starwberries shows itself in the leaves which become mottled and streaked with yellow rather than in the fruit.
If you are intending making Jam with the fruit then buy the Jam making sugar which takes only a 10 minute boil. That way the fruit in the jam stays reasonably whole.
We freeze a lot of our strawberries and whilst they may not look like fresh ones, they taste the same and added to Yoghurt (or in my case Soya cream) who cares?
8 Jul, 2015
I don't think they taste the same...
8 Jul, 2015
Well, ours do!
8 Jul, 2015
I would like to say thank you to Barryjames, Steragram, Moon Growe, Jimmytheone, and Owdboggy for all your comments your advice and answers were wonderful.
10 Jul, 2015
You're welcome John
10 Jul, 2015
As far as I understand, strawberries must be polinated and visited a number of times by the bee population. If the bees do not have access to polinate, move the strawberries to somewhere that they can. This lack of polination causes mishapen stawberries.
8 Jul, 2015