By Davros
United Kingdom
I've just found this attractive weed on my allotment,can anyone tell me what it is? It's about 9'' tall.

14 Jul, 2015
Trifolium rubens possibly, ornamental clover.
Doesn't look like Red Clover (T. pratense) that is used as green manure on allotments.
14 Jul, 2015
I think it's Trifolium incarnata, Crimson Clover. It will be a garden escape.
14 Jul, 2015
Could well be Crimson Clover as that is used as a green manure. I agree it is a bit short for T. rubens.
14 Jul, 2015
Thanks folks, I can see the clover resemblance now - although it hasn't got the classic clover leaf.
14 Jul, 2015
Definately not trifolium rubens. I grow that from seed and it's nothing like it.
14 Jul, 2015
Previous question
14 Jul, 2015