By Liz757
United Kingdom
I have to move a fuchsia, a mock orange (philadelphus), a hydrangea that isn't quite a hydrangea and a mature beautiful sweet pea, flowering now. Does anyone have any ideas how I can dig these up and safely move them to pastures new?
17 Jul, 2015
Can you possibly not wait until they have gone dormant? The longer they have been in the ground the more risky moving them now will be. Be prepared to lose them. (Please what is a hydrangea that is not quite a hydrangea?)
When they are in the new place water them every day until established again. Good luck.
17 Jul, 2015
As a rule of thumb, the best time to move a hardy fuchsia plant is when the leaves fall off and blooms are spent. However, transplanting fuchsia plants with foliage, and even with blooms intact, is often successful.
The best time to move a hardy fuchsia plant is when it has a few weeks to become established before the ground freezes and when it will not be subjected to stress from hot summer temperatures and drought.
This often means transplanting fuchsia plants in autumn
18 Jul, 2015
As much rootball as you can and straight into new plot. But prepare to lose flowers. Maybe even cut all flowers off before moving. Good luck.
17 Jul, 2015