United Kingdom
Is houseplant compost any different at all to multipurpose compost? There is certainly a big difference in price. Am I wasting money?
24 Jul, 2010
But does it make a difference if it a trusted make, like 'Levington's' or other maker's name brands? Dibleys sell their houseplant compost for their own plants at £8.00 for 5 litres! What is it, super-good? Or a swizzle?
24 Jul, 2010
I totally agree with Bamboo on the quality of compost from Wickes. I bought 4 bags there last week and I was amazed at the quality of it compared to all the well-known brands which I normally buy...and some of which are absolutely rubbish-filled. It is so smooth and fine, a lovely rich black colour ..and DRY! Lots of compost stored outside in garden centres is soggy and covered in mould when you open the bags. I have topped up indoor plants with it today...no hesitation in doing so either!
24 Jul, 2010
I paid £6 in Tesco for a small bag of Miracle Gro houseplant compost, which was good, but horrendously expensive I thought - two large plants and it was gone. And if, when you mention Levingtons, you mean their multi purpose, that's rubbish as well, just like Bowyers. You'd need to buy yourself a griddle to sift it with, then it'd be okay, that's once you've broken up the large lumps it's in. And Izzy, dare I say it, there's a reason why Wickes is good - its peat based, sshhh, I can hear the hullabaloo starting...
24 Jul, 2010
Oh Lordie....didn't know that, Bamboo! Opened a can of worms, so to speak? LOLNever thought to check! Well, this is one time I am NOT going to think too much about it!
24 Jul, 2010
Every time I have used a multipurpose potting soil on houseplants, I have had to deal with serious fungus gnats. I finally decided to use cactus mix on the ones that like fast drainage--Sanseveria, Aglaonema, Palms, Dracaenas, etc.--and African violet mix on all the others. Haven't had problems since.
24 Jul, 2010
If you'd asked me that 3 years ago, I'd have said no, not worth the cost, but now, well, given the state of most multi purpose composts (full of bits of wood, lumps, stony bits, etc.and needs sifting or riddling before use) I myself resorted to buying houseplant compost, which was much smoother and without all the litter present in the others.
But, Jonathan, if you can get to Wickes, or get it delivered, they sell multi purpose compost and its fabulous, perfect for houseplants as well as garden pots. I was so impressed I went back and got another one - they sometimes only have it in the spring and early summer. They only sell it in either 70 or 80 litre bags, can't quite remember, but they're big and heavy anyway.
24 Jul, 2010