By Dimmij
United Kingdom
I have several potato bags planted up since March. The plants are very leggy and so far have yeilded only small crops of smallish tubers. What is wrong ? I followed instructions even adding potato fertiliser.
24 Jul, 2010
Hi Dimmlj and welcome to GoY. Have you been watering your potatoes really well and had them in good sunlight? I know GoY members we seems to be able to grow potatoes in bags. We tried last year with little success whilst the ones grown in the ground were fine. If you have space grow them in the ground - easier to do really.
24 Jul, 2010
Keep up with the water and give them a bit more time. It worked for me!
24 Jul, 2010
Previous question
« Gladioli - Does anyone know what has caused them to look like this?
I have had the same problem, have got three bags and was disappointed with the first one so am gonna leave the other two for another few weeks and keep watering them well. Just have to see what happens...! :o)
24 Jul, 2010