By B8babe
United Kingdom
This is my first year with a Morning Glory. Started this in about March from a plug plant and it has gone skywards ever since.
Can anyone let me know when they flower ... ??

24 Jul, 2010
Mine are flowering at 3" high. I'm sure yours can be persuaded to change to flowering mode.
24 Jul, 2010
Watered every day and fed once a week ..... treated like a baby !! lol :~)
Every morning I 'guide' the shoots .... but no buds yet ... :~(((
24 Jul, 2010
Crossed over there Beattie .... How can I persuade them .. ?? Flowers are going to be dark purple (lush !) so would appreciate any tips at all ..... many thanks :~)
24 Jul, 2010
This is my first year trying them. Mine are in the ground and get watered when it rains or when / if I water some of the other plants. I don't water anything til we've had at least 5 days without rain. Then I do the small stuff. There's some slow release fertilizer granules in the soil, but I don't feed most plants specifically.
Perhaps you need to be a bit less kind to your morning glories to persuade them that they've got enough leaves and flowers are the thing to produce.
Stop treating them like babies and treat them like teenagers?! :-)
24 Jul, 2010
Sounds like a plan Beattie ...... !!! LOL !!! I'll let you know how it goes !! hahaha xx
24 Jul, 2010
They also need sun to bloom, so if that area is as shady as it looks, that may be the problem.
24 Jul, 2010
Full sun .... 11am until sun set ... (when we're lucky !! lol) Thanks Tugbrethil :~)
24 Jul, 2010
Well, that ought to be enough sun! Time to set a srict curfew and make it pick up it's room! : D
24 Jul, 2010
I shall go out and tell it NOW !!! hahaha :~))
24 Jul, 2010
Let me know if it flowers - I tried growing these about five years running years ago, and I had exactly the same problem - lots of leaves, no flowers, and I tried everything. Gave up in the end, decided it was just one of those things I couldn't grow, along with Freesias from bulbs.
24 Jul, 2010
Funny thing Bamboo .... me and Freesias don't mix either !! lol
I know they're half hardy .. so into the garage for the Winter and try again .. ??
IF it doesn't bloom this year .... I shall keep talking to it !! LOL ;~))
24 Jul, 2010
I heard that with Freesias you have to "smoke" them to get them to bloom again. I saw a film of a chap with the bulbs in a metal garden sieve holding them in the smoke from a bonfire. I think they said that some other bulbs do better for being smoked too - I forget which though. They're adapted to pop up after a prairie fire to take advantage of the ash and the cleared ground.
24 Jul, 2010
Get them to bloom again? I couldn't get them to bloom at all, ever, Beattie, lol!
24 Jul, 2010
Perhaps the seller didn't know that they liked to smell some smoke before they'd cooperate. I've never tried to grow them but now I'm curious....
24 Jul, 2010
The only smoke they'll get from me is my fag on the way round !!! lol
24 Jul, 2010
And that's another thing we have in common, then, B8babe...
24 Jul, 2010
LOL !! ;~))
24 Jul, 2010
I grew one last year in a pot ,same as you, B8babe, and it was fantastic for flowering. No success this year at all. Maybe you have vineweevils in your pot? I encouraged one 'self seeded' one up a small pear tree and it turned out to be a got bottled with roundup very smartly!
25 Jul, 2010
I think it may just be the luck of the draw Doriac. There's still August and September to go, so I'll keep my fingers crossed.
25 Jul, 2010
Mine only flower in full sun B8 & really live up to their name & have closed up by lunchtime! Last year the pale blue flowered really very late ... that's why I had to bring them indoors to get the last of the flowers before the frosts came! ;o)))))
25 Jul, 2010
Mine has been flowering for a month, but in the last week it has really exploded into life. More growth in the last week than in the previous 2 months. So there is hope !!
I water mine every two days. I find that feeding them encourages leaf growth rather than flowering.
25 Jul, 2010
Thanks Fluff and Andy, as you say there's hope yet ! lol :~)
25 Jul, 2010
I grew mine in a long planter which was south facing and they grew amazingly and I didn't feed them either - just watered every evening.
26 Jul, 2010
I think I'm Southwest facing Cammomile. Haven't had any prolonged sun for a couple of weeks now, so hopefully the next time he puts in an appearance things will start to bloom. Fingers crossed ! lol :~))
26 Jul, 2010
Freesias grow and bloom like weeds, here in the desert. They seem to like the long hot bake in the summer, while they are dormant. Hard to know how to give them that in the UK!
27 Jul, 2010
Perhaps a short spell in a low oven, lol?
27 Jul, 2010
Maybe a bit much! : D
27 Jul, 2010
Sounds like a plan Bamboo ! lol ;~)
27 Jul, 2010
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They should be in flower now...I'm surprised they're not....look carefully for buds. Have you fed the plant since you planted it? Try some diluted tomato food.
24 Jul, 2010