By Lincslass
United Kingdom
Has anyone else noticed that todays list of new members are all adverts, I've never noticed that happen before..
26 Jul, 2015
I have four listed where it shows newest members, clicked on their profiles,one is equity release another construction I think and two in foreign language, I looked at my own members lists in curiosity and some have infiltrated onto the profiles, we can't flag them can we ...
26 Jul, 2015
I've never seen the list of newest members so I was intrigued...
4 listed, 3 of which are highly suspect. The 4th, Monica, has asked for a plant ID, so would appear to be genuine.
Monica as the most recent has obviously knocked out one of Lincslass's 4.
I wonder what they get out of setting up these strange profiles. It's not as if we share personal information such as phone numbers/email addresses which could help scammers.
26 Jul, 2015
I, too, have four listed, but only Monica seems to be genuine. Is there any way we can delete the others or does it have to be the web manager?
26 Jul, 2015
Well, I've just checked again - Monica appears genuine, the other 3 I can see are all in America, and all provide links to their websites, dodgy indeed. Can't flag them until they try to post something under Questions or as a blog that's obviously advertising.
26 Jul, 2015
Feel better now that someone else has them as well but don't know how we can get rid of them I suppose we can be thankful they aren't all over the blog page as they used to be, I sometimes visit Ispyabird, lots of members seem to have left because it was happening on there as well..
26 Jul, 2015
There are only 2 now someones asking about Calla lillies......they seem to be advertising on their profile.....very silly!.....better than questions or blogs though.....
26 Jul, 2015
Only one now...
26 Jul, 2015
Perhaps we should all stop clicking on New Members for a while. Is it possible, perhaps, that by doing so we may collect a virus or malware from the dodgy ones?
27 Jul, 2015
No, Arbuthnot - well, unless you click on the links to their websites, then you could be at risk, but no more than with any small and unknown website really.
27 Jul, 2015
Previous question
« my Salix flamingo looks like its dying it has brown leaves can you help?
I've just clicked on members and had a look - newest members are listed, only two advert slots, banner at the top and top right, in the usual place, so not sure what you're seeing...
26 Jul, 2015