By Monica3
Tyne & Wear,
United Kingdom
I found this site by chance. Can anyone ID this plant, it never gets any flowers or berries it just turns red as it has started to do now, but it is very pretty and about 24 inches high.

26 Jul, 2015
Need a close up of the leaves really, and are they soft to touch, feathery like, or stiffer, more rigid? I'm wondering if its Callistemon rigidus... but it looks as if it would be really soft to touch, and that plant isn't particularly.
The browning parts probably indicate its either run out of root room, or needs regular watering.
26 Jul, 2015
It looks like a bottle brush plant callistemon mine is exactly the same no flowers.
26 Jul, 2015
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Not sure about the plant but welcome to Goy,
finding this site like that is how I came across it.....that was about 6 years ago I think.......I have met so many lovely people here, hope you enjoy it
26 Jul, 2015