By Ken143
East Sussex,
United Kingdom
Hi there. Can anyone help to identify a plant I've acquired? It has deep maroon heart shaped leaves with a lighter centre streak and all leaf edges are in lime green. The leaves grow in a star shape formation.
Ken 143
24 Jul, 2010
24 Jul, 2010
Tradescantia ? not sure of spelling !
24 Jul, 2010
could it be one of the large leafed oxalis?
24 Jul, 2010
also sounds like an indoor begonia..
24 Jul, 2010
Thanks everyone. It doesn't appear to be any of these so I'll sort out a photo and post it soon.
25 Jul, 2010
Thanks again for replies. It's the plant you can see in the photo.
25 Jul, 2010
Your avatar photo ?
Looks like a houseplant Ken ...... coleus or as Steve said a begonia.
Steve's more knowledgable than me so i'd go with his suggestion !
25 Jul, 2010
Yes!! Lucky guess! It's a coleus. :-)
25 Jul, 2010
Avatar is a brill film if you have not seen it yet Louise and well guessed Beattie ! Yes, it's a coleus and thanks again to all for helping solve the riddle. Just could not bring this up on the net no matter what I keyed in. I have this in a one metre long oblong tub with small pebbles covering the soil surface. There is one coleus at each end with a small red cordyline in the middle. It's quite a stunning combo and has attracted quite a few compliments, so I would recommend giving that display a try!!
25 Jul, 2010
It's a great plant for colour, pity it's not hardy. You could take some cuttings and keep them indoors over winter Ken
25 Jul, 2010
Thanks Beattie. Good idea. I will do that. I also found out that, when it seeds, you need to remove those otherwise the plant considers it's done it's job and dies young ! Perhaps ought to be re-named the "Celebrity Plant!"
26 Jul, 2010
The thing about seeding holds for most if not all annuals. They're only there to produce seeds, that's why you need to dead head to keep them flowering.
26 Jul, 2010
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Be much easier if you posted a photo, Ken - indoor or outdoor plant? Flowering? height?
24 Jul, 2010