By Sugarloaf
Florida, United States
Black Eyed Susan Fungus Problem - Has anyone ever dealt with fungus overtaking the leafs of black eyed susans. The plants were doing great April through June but now a brown/white fungus it taking over the leafs of majority of the plants. I was told that once the fungus is showing up its too late to do anything. It there a way to prevent this or better yet is there another plant to consider that looks like the black eyed susan but w/o the fungus problems
- 24 Jul, 2010
From what I read Septoria Leaf fungus on black eyed susans is a common problem especially where there is hot/humit weather. Sounds like Florida to me.
Thanks for the input and suggestions on other plants to consider that look like black eyed susans
24 Jul, 2010
When that happens here, it's usually old aphid damage, but we get far fewer fungi than Florida does, Sugarloaf. You might try some of the newer Coreopsis grandiflora hybrids, or maybe a Gaillardia.
24 Jul, 2010