United Kingdom
Any ideas about keeping plants (indoor and outdoor) watered (or at least moist)while on holiday? Most things I've seen would be very expensive if buying more than one or two.
30 Jul, 2015
I do the same as Bulba,but any pots I have,I move to a shaded area..indoor ones,are moved to another position,away from strong sunlight,but they still get some light..I've never had a problem with either..
30 Jul, 2015
If you are really worried, fill a plastic bottle with water. put a tiny hole in it, just big enough to drip out gently and stand it on the soil in the pot.
30 Jul, 2015
I put precious ones on a tray lined with capillary matting, then water well. They'll be fine like that for a week.
30 Jul, 2015
I have even stood them on a tray on a wet tea towel, out of the sun they should be OK.
30 Jul, 2015
I put houseplants in the bath on old towels and soak them. they have managed a fortnight this way. out doors they sit in shallow trays and if I haven't enough I scrounge the flat black plastic trays from the garden centre. I then put cling film over the holes and the tray will old a little water. I then hope it rains a bit.
neighbours sort out the pots at the front of the house.
30 Jul, 2015
I once put tomatoes in the bath for a week. When we came home they'd gone completely jungliferous!
30 Jul, 2015
Thank you everyone for the watering ideas - as long as we don't get a heatwave the plants will hopefully be OK!
31 Jul, 2015
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I just overwater immediately before going away and trust that there will be some rain. They need watering again as soon as I come home and it has always worked for me.
30 Jul, 2015