The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Pennsylvania, United States

What are these? They were growing in a park in Gettysburg.



Robinia pseudoacacia seems most likely.

30 Jul, 2015


Not a Robinia. Robinias have bipinnate leaves, and leafless racemes of pink or white flowers. Maybe Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata)?

31 Jul, 2015


Some sort of Mimosa ?

31 Jul, 2015


Chamaecrista fasciculata is its name, commonly known as Partridge Pea. Native to the States, see below

31 Jul, 2015


Agree, but Tugbrethil, Robinia pseudoacacia does have yellow flowers.

31 Jul, 2015


Nope, Owdboggy. Check it out for yourself: always white or a very pale cream, except for some of its hybrids, which are various shades of pink to burgundy. It used to be a popular shade tree here in Phoenix, before we started trying to conserve water.

1 Aug, 2015

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