Fern problem
By Davefc
Taunton Somerset,
United Kingdom
I have a fern in my garden which up until a few weeks ago was doing fine but now it seems to be covered in what looks like rust can anyone tell me what it is and what i can do ? its on the front of the leaves

6 Aug, 2008
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Is it too dry?
6 Aug, 2008
They look like its seeding to me
6 Aug, 2008
Some of my plants have similar spots on the leaves from the weather recently. We have had sudden downpours followed by very hot sun which has scorched the leaves. Could this have happened to your fern?
6 Aug, 2008
Certainly not spore cases which in this fern are on the back of the fronds. As you say, it could be rust in which case there is little one can do about it. Frond removal is an option. Remove affected ones in the ratio of one off for each new one that is waiting to unfurl at the base of the plant.
6 Aug, 2008
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Is it possible to show us a photo? Is the rust on the back or the front? It could be the spores forming if its on the back? Very interesting. Let us know more!
6 Aug, 2008