By Gardenan
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me please the name of this garden perennial.

2 Aug, 2015
Agaranthus. I have an identical one. It flowered all winter in the cold greenhouse. Have just potted it on with fresh
compost. Went to get another, and they were labelled
Chrysanthemum 'Poppins' with the advice to keep well watered to prolong flowering. Suppose thats it.
Got an orange one.
3 Aug, 2015
Sorry Diane, it doesn't look like any form of Chrysanthemum, the foliage is all wrong - but right for Scabious. Not sure what 'Agaranthus' is, doesn't appear to exist according to Google, maybe a typo in there somewhere?
3 Aug, 2015
I will check my label. The flowers are identical to my miracle plant.
4 Aug, 2015
Yes, they are similar - but its the foliage that says different.
4 Aug, 2015
Sorry folks, found the label in my coat pocket so I could look for another at the GC. All I could find, by leaf identification was 'Poppins.'
Its Argeranthemum - someone has written on the back
'Chrysanthemum - fristescens- whatever that may mean.
Its the same flower as in the above photo.
4 Aug, 2015
Diane: Chrysanthemum frutescens is the old/previous name for Argyranthemum frutescens - and in most parts of the country, they're not hardy, being frost sensitive. Also commonly known as Marguerite daisy. I can't find any Argyranthemum with this colour flower, with that pink central boss, nor can I find anything like it under Chrysanthemum 'Poppins'....
In the absence of evidence to the contrary, I'm sticking to my original ID of Scabious, that central boss is typical of this genus - it might actually be S. 'Beaujoulais Bonnets'.
4 Aug, 2015
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« Hi gardners, need help! How do l dead head a maltese cross. Thanx all.
It's one of the Scabiosa, something like Scabious 'Barocca' - looks like yours needs a sunnier position because its groping forwards.
2 Aug, 2015