Caring for a Teucrium fruticans?
By Ads2k15
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Has anyone got a Teucrium fruticans? Some care information suggests cutting it back to within a few leaves of the base each year whilst some pictures show it as topiary. Was just wondering how other people look after theres?
3 Aug, 2015
Hi, this is pruning group 7, which means giving the plant a hard prune to about 2 or 3 buds from the base each year in early spring, then add well rotted manure and mulch to compensate for the loss of vigorous wood, they should be grown in well drained, neutral to alkaline soil, in full sun, and in frost prone areas, in a sheltered border, or against a warm sunny wall, as they're only frost hardy.
As this only grows to 2 or 3 ft high, with a spread of 12 ft, I'm finding it hard to visualise as a topiary shrub, Derek.
4 Aug, 2015