Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
They are definately wasps all over my bush but what kind of vibernum is it please ?

25 Jul, 2010
thanks Fractal.....thought all cotoneasters were small........bit like my knowledge of plants lol
25 Jul, 2010
Cotoneaster is a very large plant group with some at an inch high, and up to 15 feet or more at the other end of the scale, Scabious.
25 Jul, 2010
Thanks Bamboo....This is a large bush over 6foot high and wide.I am going to have to move it next year and will I be able to prune it quite hard???
25 Jul, 2010
You may indeed prune cotoneasters back as hard as you choose. They shoot from dormant buds on the stems, very easily.
25 Jul, 2010
Thanks Owdboggy,its such a lovely bush I dont want to just "do away with it"I am planning to revamp another part of the garden so will find a place for it. Oh how I wish I could afford a garden designer......but we keep on trying.
25 Jul, 2010
theres a garden designer in us all lol .
25 Jul, 2010
Its a Cotoneaster, not a Viburnum. The flowers are very rich in nectar and are easy for short tongued insects such as wasps to feed from.
25 Jul, 2010