By Nannyhil
United Kingdom
What is the name of this plant please. It's in the garden of my daughter and son I laws house they have just moved into. Thank you.

4 Aug, 2015
Thank you so much my daughter will be thrilled.
4 Aug, 2015
Introduced by the Romans I believe.
4 Aug, 2015
Beware they don't take over your garden. I've been digging up mine for 2 years now.
4 Aug, 2015
They have a wonderful flower.
4 Aug, 2015
Any piece of root left in the ground will grow into new plant, but if you keep on it, they will eventually give up.
5 Aug, 2015
I have Acanthus very striking, I have very heavy clay soil so it does not prove a problem spreading, but it does need to be at the back of your border where it will need support I usually put metal supports and bind it to stop it flopping over and smothering other plants.It has quite prickly leaves to overhang your path and grows quite large and bushy. The common name is Bear's Breeches. If you Google Acanthus Brear's Britches/Pictures you will see how large and beautiful a plant it is as a spectacle in the garden.
5 Aug, 2015
It didn't get large or spectacular for me and never flowered either - but it took three years at least to get rid of it...
5 Aug, 2015
Thank you to all who replied. Very good to know.
6 Aug, 2015
Previous question
« can I cut back the iris'se finished flowering and lillies that have finiished...
Acanthus...possibly spinosus or mollis
4 Aug, 2015