By Vileve
United Kingdom
hello every one, I am seriously thinking of buying a 'clumping' bamboo (to take the place of a tatty old conifer) for screening purposes. can I buy one and divide it before planting as I can't make a large enough hole for just one plant and which type would you recommend. I didn't realise there were so many types!
5 Aug, 2015
Clumping bamboos can be planted without fear of them spreading beyond their assigned territory. Their rhizomes, the underground stems, are quite different than those of our timber and other non-clumping bamboos. Instead of a horizontal spreading rhizome, they are u-shaped making new culms next to the original plant, spreading only a few inches per year, hence the name clumping bamboo. They range in height from 8 to 25 feet, depending of the species
visit -- -- Many to choose from
6 Aug, 2015
thank you triffidkiller, that narrows it down a bit, I will visit that site and hope to find the right bamboo
6 Aug, 2015
Buy the kind that's not too invasive - if you want happy neighbors. Many types can get easily out of control.
5 Aug, 2015