By Nailseaned
United Kingdom
Would it be worth trying to germinate streptocarpus at this time of the year (early August U.K.) or would it be better to hang on till the spring?
7 Aug, 2015
TThank you
8 Aug, 2015
Hi I actually sowed some seeds some 6 to 7 weeks ago and yesterday hooray 2 little plants have appeared so I presume they take a while to germinate I don't know if this is any help. Must admit I had almost given up on them so you need to be patient .
8 Aug, 2015
Guess I will Thanks
8 Aug, 2015
Hi, the time to sow the seeds of Streptocarpus is late winter or early spring, at 64 deg f, you can also divide, or takeleaf cuttings in spring or early summer, Derek.
7 Aug, 2015