By Mazmann
United Kingdom
How do you keep an olive plant outside?how will it survive in the winter? Help please Maz
17 Aug, 2015
You can grow them successfully in the UK and overwinter them according to the they might need bubble wrap if the temperatures fall too low.
18 Aug, 2015
Mazmann, you've already asked a similar question on 15th August and got a response. My answer hasn't changed since then ... the tree is still frost hardy and more vulnerable in a pot, especially if you don't live in the south or west. You've not said whether you're planting it out or keeping it in a pot, nor said where you are in the country, but if its somewhere north, you can try wrapping the pot in fleece or bubblewrap and making a tent over it of some sort covered in fleece during cold spells I guess.
18 Aug, 2015
Its important to add your county to your profile Mazmann as it save speople having ot ask. You'd get very different answers if you lived in Ayreshire or Cornwall...
18 Aug, 2015
Unless you live in a warm to hot Mediterranean type climate, winter will kill it.
18 Aug, 2015