By Harryvin
United Kingdom
Hi, I have a couple of questions to ask! The clamatis on my photo 008 has stopped growing. I have two in the pot. Any ideas why? I was hoping it would have covered the trellis by now! Second question in the same vein actually... I have a dorothy perkins rose in a pot growing up my arch. When I sited it there last year it grew quickly to about 4ft, this year it has flowered but has not got any taller, was also hoping it would have been up and over the arch by now. Could it be the pot is not big enough and it would do better in the ground or can you clever people advise me to any other reason it has stopped growing??? Thankyou.
25 Aug, 2015
Agree with Cammomile, they'll do much better in the ground.
25 Aug, 2015
The rule of thumb with vines in pots is "3-4 times the size of the pot". I.e., if the vine is growing in a pot 30 cm across and deep, it will grow 90-120 cm long, etc.
Also, any plant in a container needs more frequent and consistent feeding than one in the ground.
26 Aug, 2015
Thankyou for your answers......I will be putting the rose in the ground and save up for some very big pots!!!
27 Aug, 2015
Previous question
« I have a cordyline is it possible to propagate a cutting from the main plant
Personally, I think they all need to go in the ground as it seems the pots are restricting growth.
25 Aug, 2015