By Ged2000
United Kingdom
Where can I get a small quantity of sugar beet seeds?
26 Jul, 2010
many thanks Drc726.
26 Jul, 2010
Your Welcome and hope you enjoy GOY.
26 Jul, 2010
Just contacted them and they are posting some out now. A friendly and helpful company. Thanks again Drc726.
I may post my attempts at making my own sugar in the future. Thanks also to John Seymour's book 'Self Sufficiency' for the instructions on 'How to'
26 Jul, 2010
So glad you got some. What I remember from the Sugarbeet factory outside Kings Lynn was the awful smell and the men had to have salt replacement tablets because of the intense heat. You have been warned lol! Do keep us posted re grow your own sugar.
26 Jul, 2010
English Sugar Beet Seed Co. Ltd. 01529 469222, or English Sugar Beet Seed Co Ltd. 01529 240060
give them a try after all Lincoln and North Norfolk are great growing areas for SB.
26 Jul, 2010