Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
more ID's needed please.I have started listing the plants in my garden so I hope I am not becoming a nuisance will try to limit my questions as much as possible.thanks Sheila
1) has a red flower similar to a peony rose.
2) is about six foot tall with most of the leaves at the base
3/4) yellow flower one and the white spiky one

26 Jul, 2010
Thanks Mad your'e so kind.Are there more than one types of peony because it is different to others in my garden,
The second looks like a cherry from the position I shot the photo may have to try to get it from a different angle as it is just a giant plant rather than a tree.
And I remembered hypericum as soon as I read your answer.thansks again
26 Jul, 2010
Welcome Scabiousshe..
I have the yellow flower as well and you saved me not posting the pix and finding it's name. :-)
26 Jul, 2010
I hope someone else expresses their opinions too S. There many different varieties of Peony. I am no expert, but just give my opinions gained from experience rather than expertise. The blossom, which I guessed was a type of flowering cherry or other prunus, may well have begun as a tree, but been coppiced at some time which would result in it looking like a shrub.
26 Jul, 2010
its such a helpful site Aimankay i have found out lots from others questions.
Mad I have had a look through members photos and think it is a peony.what threw me was it is a strong sturdy plant that doesnt need staking.I will put on another pic of the leaves of the tall purple plant to see if that helps the id
26 Jul, 2010
The top one is Paeony, and there are different varieties, The second one looks like Aquilegia foliage to me, but only if it was taken earlier in the year, but what it most definitely isn't is anything relating to a Cherry tree. Confirm the third as Hypericum, if its over 3 or 4 feet probably H. 'Hidcote', and the one to the right in the same picture is some kind of Veronica I think.
26 Jul, 2010
thanks Bamboo I will repost photo of the flowers on the second plant to see if you can id.thanks it is over 6ft tall
26 Jul, 2010
Yes, the second is an Aquilegia relative called Thalictrum.
26 Jul, 2010
I've never heard of Thalictrum before - just been googling for images. What a strange looking plant. I adore Aquilegas but I'm a bit unsure about this one....can one grow it from seed?
26 Jul, 2010
There's a number of species Cestina. They are really attractive (mostly) perennials and have a good range of heights too. Species can be raised from seed but forms like Hewitt's Double have to be propagated vegetively.
26 Jul, 2010
Thanks Fractal, will add to my list of with-bring-things for next year :-)
27 Jul, 2010
Oh yes without a doubt its Thalictrum. I've never seen one before, so looked on the plants section at the bottom of the page.
I feel a bit daft now suggesting a Prunus!
27 Jul, 2010
Dont feel daft Mad.....it was the way I shot the photo.With it being 6ft and the leaves at the bottom,flowers at the top,it was a job to get it all in one shot.At least I can now mark it in my book.Still loads to id though...
27 Jul, 2010
Impressive, that Thalictrum, not that I would have known it was one of those from looking at the flowers, lol! Thank heavens for fractal.
27 Jul, 2010
I have just looked at other members photos of the Thalictrum and there are some impressive ones.love the white one which isnt as tall.
27 Jul, 2010
Good idea to look at the photos, some lovely plants there but I still can't make up my mind about them. I think I need to see some in real life - at the moment they look to me like something gone a bit wrong - a shaggy 'mum gone skinny or a Michaelmas Daisy that's not had a haircut. But I will try to find some to look at though goodness knows where in the Czech Republic :-(
27 Jul, 2010
Previous question
No. 1 looks like a Peony to me.
No. 2. like a flowering cherry, but don't know which one.
No. 3 Hypericum, which should be pruned in spring, by cutting the top third off.
Sorry I can't be of much help, and please don't apologise for asking questions, we all do.
26 Jul, 2010