By Freeasabird
United Kingdom
planted runner beans, the scarlet flower type, this year, so much blackfly, what do others do?Also not many beans, although nice quality ones.Would other types of beans be better, those for instance with pink or white flowers?All suggestions would be helpful for next years planting.
4 Sep, 2015
I would not use a spray on runner beans, Arbuthnot. With runner beans you eat the whole pod, beans and case so would be ingesting any remaining pesticide used.
4 Sep, 2015
Try climbing beans rather than runners next year they seem less prone to black fly. Mind you they don't have any effect on the actual beans just the leaves.
4 Sep, 2015
Hi, try planting some Nasturtiums with the beans, they're a magnet for blackfly, Derek.
4 Sep, 2015
Thank you all for your replies. I will look into more resistant varieties for the future and plant nasturtiums.
12 Sep, 2015
Previous question
Some varieties are better than others at being blackfly resistant. It's best to look out for them and choose the most resistant. I don't think the colour of the flower makes much difference but I could be wrong.
As for now, there are safe sprays you can use, even just before picking. Your local garden centre will know.
4 Sep, 2015