HiI have some well established bamboo growing in my garden
By Oaktree5uk
United Kingdom
I have some well established bamboo growing in my garden. It's Been in over 1 year. Recently some new shoots have appeared. They are well rooted. They don't seem related to the bamboo or surrounding plants. Could somebody help me identify this plant or weed? And if it is anything to worry about.
Thanks in advance.
- 8 Sep, 2015
If it winds up in your hand roots and all, it's nothing to worry about.
9 Sep, 2015
But if the first piece appears to have broken off below ground, and to have joints underground like the above-ground stem, it's better to cut off the remainder, and paint the stumps with SBK or glyphosphate concentrate. I would try the SBK first--it's less likely to be toxic to the bamboo.
11 Sep, 2015
Previous question
« do antirrhaniums come up again next year after beingcut backn this autumn
Maybe some kind of honeysuckle?
8 Sep, 2015