By Huffmaling
United Kingdom
My Viburnum,not myVerbena,has turned brown and blotchy.Is it diseased?

11 Sep, 2015
Huffmaling originally had a picture of the entire bush on the first question, and it looked like the entire bush was wilted and browning.
12 Sep, 2015
Thanks for that,I think I will simply get rid.
12 Sep, 2015
Sadly, it does look like there isn't anything that you can do to save it, Huffmaling. You might want to find out what went wrong, so that it won't affect the replacement.
13 Sep, 2015
Yes, "brown and blotchy" is a sure sign that something is wrong. If it's the whole plant, it may be too late to save it. A pic of the entire plant would be helpful. It sounds like a leaf spot fungal disease. There are fungicides available that might help if there is anything left to save. Mulching also helps. This problem is brought on by prolonged cool wet & rainy weather.
11 Sep, 2015