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Can I plant my celosia Caracas outside in a spot that gets nice morning sun and then shade the rest of the day? The spot is sheltered.



Not a lot of point now as its an annual.

14 Sep, 2015


Probably best to stand it outside while the weather's reasonable, then bring it in as a houseplant. It won't survive a single frost...

14 Sep, 2015


Will it survive the winter indoors Bamboo? Long time since i had anything to do with them but seem to remember they didn't last long indoors.

14 Sep, 2015


No, they don't last long indoors, couple of months, maybe a bit longer, but they should be chucked when they stop flowering. Just temporary visitors really.

14 Sep, 2015


Well thanks for that,I will stand it in a pot then and bring it indoors when it gets really cold out there.
I am new to gardening and have in fact only just started this summer as I now live with my grandmother in her house and have transformed her overgrown with weeds but nicely siszed garden into a rather chearfull colourful mixmatch of plants and srubs. I'm learning as I go and have just stumbled onto this site and i am hopfull I will be able to have a lot of my questions answered,and possibly the odd tip.
Like for example, what I could put in this small spot at the end of the long border. It's oppicate the kitchen window so I would like something colourful so my grandmother can see it clearly,but it is very much in the shade during nearly all of the day,
I would appreciate any ideas

14 Sep, 2015


Depends what you mean by 'small spot', some idea of the space available is necessary, and also it would be useful to know what part of the country you're in - there's a difference in what you can grow in the north compared to the west of the UK.

15 Sep, 2015

How do I say thanks?

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