By Tercol
United Kingdom
Is it too late to take cuttings from shrubs now?
3 Oct, 2015
Depends on the shrub - some plants generate well from hardwood cuttings over winter. If you were thinking of softwood cuttings, its probably a bit late, but as I said, depends on the plant.
3 Oct, 2015
Thank you its just that some bushes need pruning and especially the laurel so I was wondering if I could use these for cuttings (it will help stock yp my garden, ps pesky rabbits have even nibbled the trunk of a newly planted laurel which is only 18ins high!
4 Oct, 2015
You haven't said what type of laurel, Tercol (cherry laurel, Spotted Laurel or Bay laurel or Portuguese Laurel) but the link below gives some info on semi ripe cuttings which might be useful
4 Oct, 2015
Monty said its alright, but move the pots into a warm place for the winter.
4 Oct, 2015
Previous question
No. Another month will be fine.
3 Oct, 2015