By Hulmeoak
United Kingdom
A small iridescent green beetle has attacked and stripped my sorrel plant and has also targeted the rhubarb. Any ideas what this is and how do we get rid of it. Both plants have had a complete infestation
28 Jul, 2010
Thanks for that. The bug is bigger probably ladybird sized but a little longer and not quite so fat.
28 Jul, 2010
Well, the spinosad might still work--it's good for a wide variety of leaf and stem chewers--but I don't know for sure. At least it's non-toxic.
28 Jul, 2010
Just looked spinosad up and it's only available in the USA. I must say though, it does make fascinating reading all the same!
28 Jul, 2010
Provado spray might have to be an option here though prevention is as always better than cure. Spray late evening when no bees are about as the active ingredient is related to Nicotine and kills bees.
28 Jul, 2010
I don't know about using Provado on anything edible.
28 Jul, 2010
There is a form of it that us used on fruit and veg over here.
28 Jul, 2010
Well thank you all.At the moment have sprayed with Soapy water just hoping this will work, thought initially it might be Japanese beetle but at the moment it has not attacked any other fruit and looks too small.
28 Jul, 2010
Previous question
If it's pinhead size, or a little bigger, it is probably a flea beetle. I have had good luck spraying with spinosad, but you want to wait until after dark, when bees are no longer flying, since it does kill bees that it directly touches.
28 Jul, 2010