By Oddbillie
United Kingdom
If I'm storing poataoes in the brown paper potato bags, do I need to clean off the dirt and/or dry them out first?
Last year we just picked as we required them but I would like to store some this year and wonder what the correct procedure is?
Thanks all:o))
28 Jul, 2010
Hi Oddbillie if you are harvesting now these are probably still early potatoes which will not keep for more than a few weeks.
Main crop potatoes should be lifted and, if possible, allowed to dry on the surface for several hours to toughen the skin. Lift when the soil is dry so they are not caked with soil themselves. Keep aside any potatoes you have damaged with the fork when lifting to use within the week.
After allowing the potatoes to sit gently brush off any excess soil and put the potatoes into your potato sacks (paper or hessian), be gentle with them they bruise easily. Store somewhere cool and dry and where the mice can't get to them.
As the winter progresses check to make sure none of the potatoes in any sack is rotting as this will rapidly spread throughout the sack.
28 Jul, 2010
Many thanks to you both.
Much appreciated
28 Jul, 2010
U R welcome :-)
28 Jul, 2010
Have a look at as they have loads of info on storing potatoes.
28 Jul, 2010